Have a great day Please upvote my answers , if it helped you1 2 3 π sin asin 4 5 6 − e cos acos exp ← 7 8 9 × g tan atan ln, • 0 E ∕ R rad deg log(a,b) ans;6 Answers6 Consider the function Differentiating gives , so the function attains its global maximum at Thus , and it is clear that the inequality is strict, so If you know Taylor expansion then We can get (Or you may take derivative to prove it) Then set We get

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The value of I = ∫ π / 2 5 π / 2 e t a n I = ∫ 0 2 π e s i n 2 x s i n x 1 dx , then Hard View solutionIf sin^2θcos^42θ=3/4, qe (0,π/2) then sum of all values of θ is(a) π/2(b) π(c) 3π/2(d) None of theseDownloads our APP for FREE Study Material ,Video Cla2 is the solution on π,2π), and u 3 satisfies satisfies the DE on 2π,∞) We impose u 1 (0) = 0,u0 (0) = 0 This will uniquely determine u 1 Compute u 1(π),u0 (π) and with these values solve the IVP u00 2u = F 0(2π −t), u (π) = u 1(π), u0 2 (π) = u0 1 (π) Now u 2 is uniquely determined, so we can solve the IVP for u 3 u00 3
Short answer 2 pi is approximately , with ten decimals Long answer The most exact answer is just what you wrote in the question 2pi Let me explain pi is a number that is irrational That means, there is an infinite number of dThe value of e is so on Just like pi (π), e is also an irrational number It is described basically under logarithm concepts 'e' is a mathematical constant, which is basically the base of the natural logarithm This is an important constant which is used in not only Mathematics but also in Physics2 e in x π x L x einxπx Lx e in y π y L y einyπy Ly, with n x and n y = 1,2,3, Show that this wavefunction is normalized 10 Using the same wavefunction, Ψ (x,y), given in exercise 9 show that the expectation value of p x vanishes 11 Calculate the expectation value of the x 2 operator for the first two states of the harmonic
The value of limx→1tanxπ4tanπx2 is e−2 e−1 e 1 limx→1tanxπ4tanπx21∞fromelimx→1tanxπ4−1tanπx2=elimx→1sinπx4− A Integers that are very close to values of , , , , , , } A Values of n for which e π2 Solution (i)ez = exeiy = 2eiπ3 ⇒ x = ln2y = π 3 2nπ, z = ln2 πi 3 2nπi (ii)e2z−1 = e2x−1e2iy = eiπ 2 ⇒ x = 1 2, y = π 4 nπ, z = 1 2 πi 4 nπi (iii) logz = iπ 2 ⇒ z = eπi 2 = i 8 Write the following complex numbers in standart form abi (i) e23iπ, (ii) e2iπ 4, (iii) log(−1i √ 3),

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E The number e, also known as Euler's number, is a mathematical constant approximately equal to 2718, and can be characterized in many ways It is the base of the natural logarithm It is the limit of (1 1/n)n as n approaches infinity, an expression that arises in the study of compound interest e π > π e Method 2 π to e(ln(π)) The natural logarithm is a monotonically increasing function This means we can take the natural log of two expressions and compare the size of the resulting values Thus we can compare ln(e π) = π ln(π e) = e ln(π) Our attack will be similar to method 1The PI function returns the value of π (pi) accurate to 15 digits The value of π represents a halfturn in radians and appears in many formulas relating to the circle The PI function takes no arguments = PI // returns

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The value of ∣∣∣∣a1a2a3a4a5a6a7a8a9∣∣∣∣ is where ar=cos 2r πi sin 2r π19 0 cos 5π cos 9π7i sin 9π7 2 ar=cos 2rπi sin 2rπ19=ei2rπ9=∣∣∣∣∣∣ei2π9ei4π9ei6π9Putting the value of ∫ 0 2 π e x c o s x d x in (1), we get I = e 2 π − 2 { 2 1 ( e 2 π − 1 ) } = e 2 π − e 2 π 1 = 1 Answer verified by TopprDiagnostic Value of Photofragment Anisotropy Measurements We applied this method to the e 1 Π u ( v = 0, J = 1,,9) levels of N 2 These levels predissociate by two different mechanisms to N\(2 P o \)N 4 S o and N\(2 D o \)N 4 S o and each dissociation mechanism

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The identity e^(iπ)1 = 0 is a well known equation that can be proven mathematically It is an identify that contains the most beautiful entities encountered in math, namely π, i, e, 0 and 1 #e^(varphii)=cos varphi isinvarphi# In the given example we get #e^(pi/2i)e^((2pi)/3i)=(cos(pi/2)isin(pi/2))(cos((2pi)/3)isin((2pi)/3))=# #=i(cos(pipi/3)isin(pipi/3))=# #=i(cos(pi/3)isin(pi/3))=# #=icos(pi/3)isin(pi/3)=# #i1/2sqrt(3)/2*i=1/2(1sqrt(3)/2)i#Hello Family !ये है कल की 3 videos !

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2 π Z π 0 f(x)cosnxdx = 2 π Z π 0 xcosnx dx If n = 0, then a0 = 2 π Z π 0 x dx = π, and if n ≥ 1, then integrating by parts, one finds that 2 π Z π 0 xcosnx dx = 2 π xsinnx n − 2 nπ Z π 0 sinnx dx = 2 n2π cosnx π 0 = 2 n2π (−1)n − 1 Hence an = 0 if n is even and an = − 4 n2π when n is odd, and hence f(x) ∼ π 2I lies on the y axis of the Argand Plane , which means that it's modulus is 1 and argument is π/2 So , it can be represented as So , log = iπ/2 log e = π/2 i(0434) = (0434)×(π/2)× i = (0434)(1570) i = (061) i So , logi = (061) i Hope this answer helps !!!Jaroor dekhe 😊👉 https//youtube/WsnJVnUjjkc👉 https//youtube/F8WfZ6ILM30👉 https//youtube

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Value Of Pi The value of Pi (π) is the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter and is approximately equal to In a circle, if you divide the circumference (is the total distance around the circle) by the diameter, you will get exactly the same number Whether the circle is big or small, the value of pi remains the sameIn mathematics, Euler's identity (also known as Euler's equation) is the equality = where e is Euler's number, the base of natural logarithms, i is the imaginary unit, which by definition satisfies i 2 = −1, and π is pi, the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter Euler's identity is named after the Swiss mathematician Leonhard EulerIt is a special case of Euler's(b) Along the unit circle, z = 1 and z = eiθ, dz = ieiθdθ The initial point and the final point of the path correspond to θ = π and θ = π 2, respectively The contour integral can be evaluated as Z C z2 dz = Zπ 2 π ieiθ dθ = eiθ π 2 π = 1 i The results in (a) and (b) do not agree Hence, the value

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The value of 2 s e c − 1 2 s i n − 1 (1 2) is (a) π 6 (b) 5 π 6 (c) 7 π 6 (d) 1 Please scroll down to see the correct answer and solution guideAsked by Brad Peterson, student, Roy High on I was watching an episode of The Simpsons the other day, the one where Homer gets sucked into the third dimension, and in this 3D world, there was an equation that saidY x √ abs round N rand

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2 Prove, by Euler's formulas, that cos 2θ = cos 2 θ – sin 2 θ 3 Prove that e 2iπ = 1 4 Find the value of e −iπ;Simple enough provided you know the famous Euler's formula which states that e^(i x) = cos(x) i sin(x) for any real no x Here, we havecos(2pi/n) i sin(2pi/n)^n = e^(i•2pi/n)•n = e^(2pi)i = cos(2pi) i sin(2pi) = 1 i 0 = 1Function f(x), then we define the expected value of X to be E(X) = Z 0 if x < 0 or x > π 2 Compute E(X) and Var(X) 12 Solution First, we must find the probability density function of X Differentiating we find that the function

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Example 3 Question Show that x2 = cos(x) has a unique solution in 0,π/2 Answer We first show existence as above, introducing the continuous function f and using the IVT To prove uniqueness, we argue by contradiction Assume we have two solutions x1 < x2 ∈ (0,π/2), ie f(x1) = f(x2) = 0 Since f is differentiable, we can apply In harmonic analysis the Fourier coefficients ao , a n , and bn of thefunction y = f (x) in (0 , 2 π ) are given by a o = 2mean value of y in (0 , 2 π ) a n = 2mean value of y cos nx in (0 , 2 π ) bn = 2mean value of y sin nx in (0 , 2 π )(i) Suppose the function f (x) is defined in the interval (0 , 2l), then its Fourier series isDiscontinuous, the sum of the Fourier series is the average value ie 1 2 f(x)f(x n = 2 π R π 0 f(x)sin(nx)dx (ii) If f(x) is even, then

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Solve the following initial value problem 4y 00(x)8y 0 (x)5y(x) = 0, y ( π 2 ) = 0, y 0 ( π 2 ) = p 2e − π 2 Recall that cos( π 4 ) = sin( π 4 ) = 1 p 2Below is a table of values, similar to the tables we've used before We're going to start thinking of how to get the graphs of the functions y=sin x and yx=cos x 0 π 6 π 4 π 3 π 2 3 4 π π 3 2 π 2π yx=sin 0 05 2 2 ≈ 3 2 ≈ 1 2 2 ≈ 0 –1 0 yx=cos 1 3 2 ≈ 2 2 ≈ 05 0 −≈−2 2 –1 0 1Equivalently, π is the unique constant making the Gaussian normal distribution eπx 2 equal to its own Fourier transform Indeed, according to Howe (1980) , the "whole business" of establishing the fundamental theorems of Fourier analysis reduces to the Gaussian integral

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If the eccentricity of the hyperbola x 2 – y 2 sec 2 a = 5 is times the eccentricity of the ellipse x 2 sec 2 a y 2 = 25, then a value e of a is a) π/6 b) π/4 c) π/3 d) π/2 Correct answer is option 'B' Can you explain this answer?(a) sin(x),atx = π/2 (b) ln(x) at x = 1 (c) e−2x,atx =5 (d) ln(x 2) at x = 2 Exercise 44 Express the 10th degree Taylor Polynomial of the following functions in summation form (using the notation) (a) sin(x) at x = π/2 (b) xex at x = 0 (c) e−2x,atx =5 (d) ln(x) at x = 1 (andEuler's approach Euler's original derivation of the value π 2 / 6 essentially extended observations about finite polynomials and assumed that these same properties hold true for infinite series Of course, Euler's original reasoning requires justification (100 years later, Karl Weierstrass proved that Euler's representation of the sine function as an infinite product is valid, by the

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Algebra Evaluate e^2 e−2 e 2 Rewrite the expression using the negative exponent rule b−n = 1 bn b n = 1 b n 1 e2 1 e 2 The result can be shown in multiple forms Exact Form 1 e2 1 e 25 Prove that e 2iπ = −e 2 6 Prove that e π /2 = EXERCISE 11—8 Review 1 Write the first five terms of each of the followingThis calculator does basic arithmetic on complex numbers and evaluates expressions in the set of complex numbers As imaginary unit use i or j (in electrical engineering), which satisfies basic equation i 2 = −1 or j 2 = −1The calculator also converts a complex number into angle notation (phasor notation), exponential, or polar coordinates (magnitude and angle)

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Many of the other answers have 'proven' this equals math1/math Please ignore them Euler's Identity is mathe^{i\pi}=1/math Squaring, we get what IIn decimal form it is approximately 070 Here is a more algebraic way to see it De Moivre showed that e ix = cosx isinx so that eiπ/2 = cos (π/2) isin (π/2) = i, for exampleThe trigonometric functional values of angles coterminal with 0, π/2 , π, and 3π/2 are the same as those above, and the trigonometric functional values repeat themselves (eg, π and 3π are coterminal and sin (π) = sin (π 2π) = sin (3π) = 0) This illustrates the fact that the trigonometric functions are periodic

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Un(x,t) = Anehte−n 2t sinnx, n≥ 1 which we combine to form the series u(x,t) = eht X n≥1 Ane −n2t sinnx At t= 0, we have x(π−x) = u(x,0) = X n≥1 An sinnx The coefficients An are computed via the formula An = 2 π Z π 0 x(π− x)sinnxdx= 2 π π Z π 0 xsinnxdx− Z π 0 x2 sinnxdx = 2 −xcosnx n π 0 2 nπ Z cosnxdx 2 π x2Is this consistent with the value of e iπ found in Illustrative Example 2 above?

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